After childbirth, some parents itch to get back into a regular exercise routine. But it's not as easy as hopping on the treadmill or rejoining your pre-baby pilates classes.
New parents should be realistic and patient when it comes to postpartum exercise—after all, it took around 40 weeks to grow your pregnant body, and it can take nearly as long to feel like you're somewhat closer to your pre-pregnancy self.
Here's what you need to know about postpartum exercise, including how to get started and stay safe.
When Can You Exercise After Giving Birth?
According to the American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), you can usually start light walking within a few days of giving birth if you had a normal vaginal delivery. In general, the organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week, which equates to about 20 to 30 minutes of walking per day. But you will need to work up to this level of movement.
Start by taking a five-minute walk, then come home and see how you feel. If nothing bleeds, pulls, or aches, take a six-minute walk tomorrow and a seven-minute walk the next day. During these first few forays out into the world, don't carry your baby in a front-facing carrier or push them in a stroller because the strain may be too much. After you've walked comfortably and safely for a week or two, build up from there, adding some gentle upper-body stretching or a postpartum exercise class (but get the green light from your health care provider first).
Keep in mind, if you had a C-section or complications, you may need to take it even slower. Talk to your health care provider about when it's safe for you to begin exercising and how much you should do each day.
Benefits of Exercising After Pregnancy
Exercise keeps your body strong, and it protects against some chronic medical conditions, so it stands to reason that you should be exercising after pregnancy. Exercise also can benefit your recovery in a number of ways. According to ACOG, exercise can:
- Strengthen your abdominal muscles
- Prevent postpartum depression
- Promote better sleep
- Elevate your energy
- Relieve stress
- Promote weight management
How to Start Postpartum Exercise
You'll need to wait until your doctor gives you the OK to start postpartum exercise after birth, which might take several weeks (or longer if you had a C-section or labor complications). In the meantime, you can brainstorm a post-pregnancy workout plan by following the nine important steps outlined here.
1. Introduce postpartum workouts slowly
Jumping back into your workout regimen right after birth is not a great idea, even for ultra-fit people, says Kameelah Phillips, MD, a board-certified OB-GYN. "I would recommend that new moms not try to exert themselves before two weeks. If you are recovering from a C-section, I would defer a routine until after your first post-operative check."
Dr. Phillips also recommends confirming that the skin is properly closed and that you're cleared for a walking routine. "I usually recommend you take ibuprofen prior to any return to activity because the uterus is still healing and can cause discomfort. Give your body a little time to heal and enjoy a leisurely walk."
If you push yourself too hard in the beginning, you can actually be setting yourself back from real recovery. That, of course, does not mean you need to be held hostage in your house for six weeks. A walk can be considered a good start to your road back.
2. Wait for the bleeding to stop
Once you embark on some heavier activities, pay attention to signs from your body. Some people find that bleeding that had tapered down starts to get heavier again, which is a sign that the body needs more time to heal before a postpartum workout plan.
It may also be beneficial to talk with a health care provider about your symptoms. They can let you know what's normal and what needs more attention. But most of all, be patient and allow your body to heal. Recovering from having a baby is a marathon, not a sprint, and you will get there.
3. Take it easy if you're breastfeeding
Weight loss should be the last thing on your mind after childbirth—and that's especially true if you're breastfeeding. Some experts recommend not starting an exercise routine until a couple of weeks postpartum, when your milk supply is firmly established; talk to your provider for their input.
During the first few days after childbirth, some weight will come off automatically as your body relinquishes the stored fluids it needed during pregnancy. The rest will come off gradually as you become more active. If you're nursing, your body needs 500 calories a day more than it needed before you conceived, so eat enough and eat nutritiously.
4. Evaluate your pelvic floor
If the pelvic floor is weak, intra-abdominal pressure (from exercises like crunches, pilates, or general ab work) can put too much strain on the pelvic floor and inhibit healing. It can even lead to organ prolapse in some cases.
One of the first forms of postpartum exercise you can start to incorporate daily can be a kegel routine. Start by strengthening or even re-familiarizing yourself with your pelvic floor muscles. If you are having difficulties, it may be beneficial to see a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor exercises—especially if you experienced complications. They can advise you on the best way to strengthen and heal your pelvic floor.
5. Be mindful of diastasis recti
It's very common for postpartum people to experience a separation of their abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominals (aka the six-pack muscles), known as diastasis recti. Your health care provider can check this during your postpartum exam.
If it's severe enough, you may need to work with a physical therapist to help draw the muscles back together. So, when easing back to an abdominal postpartum workout, be mindful not to overdo it.
6. Watch your wobbly joints
Relaxin, the hormone responsible for softening the ligaments and joints during pregnancy and childbirth, can stay in the body for 6 to 12 months after delivery. This can lead to wobbly, unstable joints and a loose pelvis.
Again, be mindful that the postpartum workout you choose is not too jerky in movement. You don't want to cause an injury by doing things too quickly. Instead, ease back into exercise with low-impact exercises like walking.
Swimming is another option that's gentle on the joints and pelvic floor, and great for strengthening the core and back muscles. But you will need to wait until your bleeding has stopped before adding this exercise to your postpartum workout regimen. You'll also want to ensure any stitches have healed.
7. Try different types of postpartum exercise
As you get started on your postpartum workouts, don't discount walking as a gentle cardiovascular exercise. You can add gentle strength training exercises to your routine, too, with approval from your health care provider.
Some people decide to take a postnatal yoga class, designed specifically for people who just had a baby. There also are baby-and-me exercise classes that allow you to bring your little one. Get creative when exercising and you're more likely to stick with it.
8. Stay hydrated
Once you ease into postpartum exercise, remember to hydrate well. If you're out for a stroll with your baby, put your water bottle in the cup holder as a reminder to drink often.
Good hydration will help eliminate constipation and other common postpartum ailments. And if you're breastfeeding, you will need more water. Most experts recommend about 16 cups of water each day for nursing parents.
9. Rest when needed
Even though many new parents hear the old saying "sleep when your baby sleeps," not everyone adheres to these wise words. Incorporating a few moments to simply relax post-workout can really help replenish you.
Also, don't try to do too much too soon. Delegate what you can and focus on caring for yourself and your baby during those first few months.